
Greetings my name is Stephen Fulton and I am an ex-offender/returned citizen. I offer up two equally meaningful concepts because there is dialogue afoot to determine in some minds which is the most accurate.

Nevertheless, I will begin by saying that in life (no matter where) we have to work together if we are to accomplish great feats or to learn on a scale that will be beneficial to civilization and human dignity.

In the past I have lived my life in the opposite of which I speak of today. I held incorrect and negative ideas, thoughts, imagery, and emotions that justified in my mind why I should take money instead of working for it.

I chose a life of crime (Armed Robbery) because I thought this was the best way to acquire money. Unbeknownst to self at that time that life style was only a temporary solution to a long term precarious predicament of incarceration.

During the full 10 years that I was at Graterford I came to my senses and decided to make a radical change. I could only think about not ever coming back.

The next question was how to effectuate this change. In retrospect it is funny how internal information can come to your consciousness and give you the correct way and method of how you can change your life.

Hence, I received the notion to do introspective work as that means. I found myself up late at night introspecting/looking on the inside and meditating to just calm the storm that was in my mind and heart.

As well to give me an accurate picture of where and how my life went wrong. What ascended from these sessions was the great need for me to change the content of my mind. Or what I know today specifically is the rewriting of my subconscious programming. To be overwritten with positive and sound impressions that are the opposite of which I received as a kid and even now as an adult.

I began my journey to transformation by first taking all of the classes that Graterford had to offer. Then by becoming a lover of books and interacting with those lifer’s that had already transformed themselves and by being in the company of these men I received an image of what all men should be. Ie, Disciplined, studious, truthful, compassionate, cordial, and a depth of love for all humanity and not just their respective clan.

I recall Kev who helped me to acquire my GED and my Business admin certificate. My man Muti who helped me with my African Centered studies and showed me how to participate in some of the programs that were coming from the outside such as Alternatives to violence, Moderator’s Forum and many more.

Not to forget Abdul Alim (Charly) Brother Herambe (Chance) Hanif Reynolds, Tommy (Kareem) and a host of others.

These are many of the shoulders that I stood upon. And I have a lot of love for them. It is tragic for society to receive the incorrect notions that these men are beyond redemption and undeserving of another chance.

I was released in 2003 so I decided to look up one particular brother that was coming inside to teach. His name was Yumy Odum. He taught the Rites of passage and the Rites of Ascension courses at Graterford. It was through his classes that I learned the concepts of The Operational definitions of manhood.

And was able to implement them when I got out.

Mr. Yumy took me to Mr. William Goldsby house and introduced me to him. Later on I was informed that he was the founder of Reconstruction inc. I received more data on the organization, took and orientation, became a member and am now the chair of 1 of the 3 Domains. Ie AEA, alumni for ex- offenders association.

We meet twice a month. The second Wednesday and the fourth Wednesday of each month. We have membership meetings and workplan meetings. The overall purpose is for the members to come together to talk about relevant issues that are occurring in their lives. And could very well carry the impetus to send them back to prison.

More shoulders to stand upon!

I’ve mentioned that while being incarcerated I read many books. As a direct consequence I still love to read today. So I’m going to recommend 3 books for you to read. 1. Reconstructing Rage by Mr. William Goldsby and Mr. Townsend 2.Change the behavior of being yourself and 3. Evolve your Brain both by same author… Dr. Joes Dispenza.

These are more shoulders that I stood upon to help me to change the fabric of my brain and showed me how not to re-offend.
Last but not least…My trial Judge Patrice Tucker. I thank her for giving me the time that she did and at that right time. I truly believe that had I not been found guilty I could very well be still living the same type of life.

These are the shoulders upon which I stand.

Please permit me one final but beginning shoulder.. Her name is Mrs Mary Fulton, my mom. I am a better man today because of what she instilled in me yesterday. I love you mom!

Incarceration Racial Justice